All I knew about sexual desire is wrong. A famous psychologist sexologists theory shatters 70s

When you think of when you hear talk of sexual desire? It is most likely wrong and you have ideas based on outdated theories.

A prominent American psychologist claims that scientists are only now beginning to realize that they had ideas about sexual desire are wrong and that in fact, if it were experienced spontaneous desire in the most part, only men.

"Researchers are beginning to understand that sexual response is a linear mechanism as once thought. The previous model, originating in the late 70s, DECR absence of sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity," says psychologist Emily Nagoski.

Thus, sexual desire was initially seen as a "hunger" that motivate the individual to seek sexual satisfaction.

"It seems that many individuals, especially women, feel desire as a response to erotic stimulation not anticipate it," adds specialist.

She argues, however, that 70% of men feel spontaneous desire to have sex, while women may be seen very rarely, only 10-20% of them.

The psychologist explains this by the fact that every woman has her own sexuality, unique as a fingerprint, and is slightly different from other anatomical level, and his body respond differently to sexual stimuli.

Source: Daily Mail

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