Microsoft celebrates 40 years! What does Bill Gates about the company's future

Redmond giant still has a few aces up his sleeve
In just 40 years ago two teenagers, Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded what was to be one of the companies who change the world. It happened on April 4, 1975, and the two founders were 19 or 22 years.

Microsoft has revolutionized the world of computers, offered MS-DOS, and Windows, and the rest is history. But lately has become the target evils. Most funeral singing and predicted end Windows operating system for PCs, another endangered species.

The unthinkable happened and Microsoft recently made the announcement that no one believed that it will hear: Windows 10 will be free for everyone. It was moving genius who brought the company into the limelight and made it cool again. Strategy to provide a universal product should pay off given that Microsoft piece will flex under increasing pressure technology market.

The future of Microsoft's Bill Gates in order. Although retired from the company's management and fully dedicated to charity, Gates did not forget the event. They sent a letter to Microsoft employees, Amit Roy Choudhary which put her on Twitter.


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