A set of two volumes of the first edition of the manifesto "Mein Kampf", sold for 43,750 dollars

A set of two volumes of the first edition of Adolf Hitler's autobiographical manifesto "Mein Kampf" with a dedication by Philipp Bouhler German leader, one of the first members of the Nazi Party, was sold in an online auction for 43,750 dollars inform newsweek.com.

Adolf Hitler's autobiographical manifesto and a change of address document handwritten by the police in Vienna Nazi leader, in 1909, did not attract any offers an online auction that ended Thursday but "Mein Kampf" was sold Several hours later, with 43,750 dollars.

Also, a third object that belonged to Hitler - a painting that Nazi leader would have done it in 1912 - was withdrawn from the auction online earlier this week, there are concerns as to the authenticity of the work.

The first volume of the manifesto "Mein Kampf" was published in 1925, almost a decade before Hitler took power in Germany (1933).

This dictated the book of Rudolf Hess, along with who was imprisoned for high treason after the failed putsch in Munich in 1923, when Hitler and the Nazi party failed to overthrow the German government.

The set of two volumes, which had a starting price of $ 35,000, was dedicated to Philipp Bouhler, one of the first members of the Nazi party. Bouhler subsequently held important positions in the party and became head of Hitler's chancellery, and T-4 Euthanasia Program.

Lot auctioned also included a 1938 booklet written about Hitler Bouhler.

If, in February 2014, a set of manifesto "Mein Kampf" with a dedication to SS officer Josef Bauer, was sold for 64,850 dollars, after receiving 11 offers, for the edition dedicated to Bouhler not auctioned online Thursday showed no buyer interest. However, groups that do not attract bids remain on sale online starting amount plus bonus buyer, said the auction house manager, Laura Yntema, explaining that such sales postlicitaĊ£ie happen all the time.

In this case, a buyer has purchased two volume set for the sum of 43,750 dollars ($ 35,000 plus bonus amount departure buyer).

Germany is to republish Adolf Hitler's autobiographical manifesto "Mein Kampf" for the first time since World War II, presenting the new edition as a historical document, richly annotated and accompanied by analysis and critical notes, according to Time magazine.

The book will be on sale in bookshops throughout Germany for the first time since the death of Nazi leader.

A ban on republishing Nazi manifesto is in force in Germany since the end of World War II. Copyrights are owned by the Land of Bavaria, but due to expire in December, according to the Washington Post.

The new edition, which is produced and published by the Institute for Contemporary History - financed with public funds - will be richly annotated volumes, 2,000 pages, mainly with critical notes and analysis.

Institute points out that "Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle") is an "important historical and educational tool."

But opponents, including many Holocaust survivors, said they were outraged republication, denouncing it as a refreshing message of a ruthless dictator and lunatic responsible for killing more than 11 million people.

"This book is evil. It is the worst Semitic pamphlet and a guide for the Holocaust," said Charlotte Knobloch, leader of the Hebrew community in Munich.

Despite republication of "Mein Kampf" was banned in Germany, the book is available online in many other countries, including the United States and Canada.

The first draft of the new edition will be released next year.

Source: mediafax

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