A Nobel laureate warning: 'We are playing Russian roulette, the consequences will be catastrophic "

Given that the current trend will continue gas emissions greenhouse there is a probability of 5/1 that the Earth's temperature to rise by five or six degrees in the coming years, is the warning launched by Mexican Mario Molina days ago, Nobel Prize Nobel for Chemistry in 1995.

"We are playing Russian roulette with the only planet we have," and if the temperature rises to that level, "which did not happen in millions of years," the consequences will be catastrophic, warned teacher aged 71 years at a rate held at the Faculty of Chemistry at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

According to him, in such a situation, humanity will not disappear, but "civilization and society as we know it, yes." This means not only economic costs, but also has ethical and moral implications. "We can not leave future generations a planet that is difficult to have a quality of life as we have today," said Mario Molina.

According to the researcher, the problem is global, given that companies emit gases that change the chemical composition of the atmosphere and lead to climate change. In this context,, he called for a change of direction even now.

Montreal Protocol, which entered into force in 1989 which provides for the establishment of targets for reducing the production of ozone-depleting substances, "shows that mankind can agree to solve global problems," recalled Molina.

Source: Fox News

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