The habit of doing tricks 1 April is several centuries old. Precursors of April Fools' Day - April Fool's Day in the local version - could be Hilaria Festival (Roman festival) which is held on March 25, and Medieval Feast of Fools, which was held on December 28, a day that still is marked in some Spanish-speaking countries.
On the other hand, the oldest reference to April Fool's Day seems to be, according Museum of Hoaxes, a fragment of a poem Flemish from 1539, in which a man would be fooled servant even one day of April 1st.
However, another explanation could be that in a few hundred years ago, people were celebrating New Year April 1. Replacing old with the new calendar created confusion initially some people unable to adapt to change: they were celebrating New Year on April 1 instead of 1 January and for this reason were called "April Fools".
In France, Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands a tradition of April Fool's Day - called "poisson d'avril", "pesce d'aprile" and "aprilvis" (fish-April) - consists of sticking a paper fish on the back of people without realizing it. This custom seems to date back to the sixteenth century.
Feast "poisson d'avril" is still marked in Canada, but also in Portugal and Spain. Francophone areas, this celebration has spread to nearby Dutch and Flemish as' aprilvis ".
In the UK, April Fool's Day is marked in some areas for two days, the person fooled being called "noddy", while in Scotland, Day hoaxes is traditionally called "Hunt-the-Gowk Day" ("gowk" in the sense of stupid, goofy), but with another meaning - the arrival of spring (April cuckoo).
In Poland, April 1 is one in which people make jokes and pranks, and "serious work" should be avoided. In Denmark, May 1 is known as "Maj-kat" ("May-cat" and that one day jokes). A similar significance has on 1 May and Sweden. But both Danes and Swedes used to celebrate and April Fools' Day ("aprilsnar"), while 1 April Fool's Day is much less celebrated by them.
In Spain, the celebration "April fish" ("pescado de Abril") was taken on branch French, Spanish and having their own Fools day on December 28th. On December 28, the Spanish marks "Dia de los Santos Inocentes" ("Day of the Holy Innocents '/' Inoceţilor Massacre"), the flight into Egypt and save the infant Jesus, considering that Mary and Joseph have saved it by -a "trick".
In some southern United States celebrates "The Week of Foolery" (Week hoaxes) beginning seven days before the actual Fools.
It is expected that this year's April Fool pranks and come up with scenarios in the media, which more or less elaborate, but have a hint of credibility.
In recent years, April Fool's Day was an opportunity for the media and international sites descreţească foreheads readers concerned about the economic crisis and the problems they face daily. Thus, social networks have attempted to trick users by announcing the introduction of new services unur implausible, while some sites have announced that they will close operations.
However, over the years, the international press made jokes April 1, which were appreciated by readers. Among these were the Ikea chair for dogs, "released" on 1 April 2011, the BBC with flying penguins (1 April 2008), the left-handed burger Burger King launched (April 1, 1998).
However, in some cases feast spread Fools had the opposite effect. Instead provoke amusement, some publications have made their readers not to trust the material published on April 1st.
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